Friday, March 13, 2015

2B Highlights: 3/13/15

Jay: My highlight was the Mosaic assembly and Art - making the simple machine heads and Jake's boy of the week.
Dylan: My highlight was Jake's boy of the week and Art.
Alex: I liked earning quite time today :) 
James: I liked Art and Jake's boy of the week. 
Will:  I liked Art and Jake's boy of the week. 
Jackson: I liked the mosaic assembly and Jake's boy of week
Jarett:  My highlight was tech time and designing our cable car with the 8th graders.
Adrian:  My highlight this week was listening to everyone's highlights and learning about area in Math. 
Dyon: My highlight was Jake's boy of the week because of the card game and reading group. 
Ryder: My highlight this week was doing the lego cable cars with our 8th graders and studying Jim Thorpe, my changemaker. 
Mikhail:  My highlight was making the cable car with our 8th grade buddies and Jake's boy of the week. 
Asher:  My highlight was probably studying the changemakers, mine was Gandhi and how close we are to winning the 30 seconds or less treat! 
Phil: My highlight was doing my report on Abel Lincoln and Harvey Milk 
Cole: My highlight this week was designing the cable cars
Ollie:  My highlight was the 8th grade lego cable cars. 
John:  My highlight this week was redesigning our cable cars with 8th graders and highlights! 
Webb:  My highlight this week was Jake's boy of the week and making the simple machine heads in art!
Cyrus: My highlight of the week is getting to go to Alta Plaza park and DEAR 
Lachlan: My highlight this week was lego cable cars and the Mosaic assembly 
Soren: My highlight was redesigning the cable car and playing knock-out on the field with my friends.
Taaran:  My highlight was art and making Simple machine heads and we are so close to getting our special treat for 30 seconds or less
Theo:  My highlight of the week is Simple Machine heads in Art, 30 seconds or less 
Jake: My highlight this week was my boy of the week and Art and making our simple machine heads.  That was so fun! 

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