Friday, March 20, 2015

2B Highlights 3/20/15

Jarett:  My highlight this week was making the Puzzles at Marin Prep in the Castro and hearing everyone's highlights. 
Phil:  My highlight this week was making our brackets for March Madness. 
Ryder:  My highlight this week was making our brackets, going to the Castro and studying our environment and how to help it. 
Jake: My highlight was Families this week, the party for Ms. Dionne, Reading group and playing knock out at recess. 
Cole:  My highlight was the brackets and drawing still life in art. 
Jackson:  My highlight is hearing all of the highlights and my boy of the week! 
Cyrus: My highlight is all 3 parties this week and march madness brackets 
James: My highlight this week was learning about Space and making our March Madness brackets
Mikhail:  My highlight was making our March Madness brackets and Jackson's boy of the Week. 
Dylan:  My highlight was highlights, March Madness and .... Friday reading group! 
Alex: My highlight was learning more about space. 
Taaran: My highlight was Friday's reading group and hearing highlights! 
Webb:  My highlight this week was doing the march madness brackets, Friday's reading group and Jackson's boy of the week. 
Theo:  My highlight is the wedding party for Ms. Dionne and learning about space
Ollie: My highlight was both parties and finishing up our Lego cable cars with the 8th graders
Soren: My highlight was Ms. Dionne's party and Reading group party and learning about space! 
Will:  My highlight was Ms. Dionne's party and finishing up our cable car project! 
Lachlan:  My highlight this week is finishing our cable car and Jackson's boy of the week. 
John: My highlight was the wedding party for Ms. Dionne and finishing up cable cars. 
Asher:  My highlight was Jackson's boy of the week and learning about space.
Adrian:  My highlight was Ms. Colgate and teaching us about sportsmanship and the sandwich on the field trip to the Castro. 

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